Have your beloved pet immortalized in their very own "Fiber Friend" wool sculpture or illustration. Made just for you in Oregon, USA and shipped worldwide. Choose from the options below to match your pet:
Please fill out this client intake form to be sure that your pet is suitable to become a Fiber Friend and to inquire about the current wait time. I will contact you as soon as possible and schedule your Friend in the order your message is received. *Corgis will always be approved!
Thank you for your patience!
Original Fiber Friends are my most realistic pet portraits. They measure around 5 to 6 inches long and can be felted in any pose you prefer. Your pup's markings will be matched to a T right down to the paw pads.
Stubbins have simplified markings on adorably plump bodies and stumpy legs.
Nubbins are simple and sweet nubby bodies perfect for adding seasonal costumes to.
Original illustrations capture your pet's sweet personality OR feature your child's name and come ready to frame
Be sure to check out my Add-Ons page for toys, collars and fun extras to make your new Friend even more special!
*My waiting list applies to ALL custom orders*
Be sure and visit my portfolio and testimonials pages to see more examples of my work and read all the rave reviews from previous happy customers!